What are the top-five best books that changed your life and why? 2024


These five best books changed my life. One made me decide to live the rest of my life outside my home country. One gave me the most important philosophy in my life. One got me to start lying. One made me both a lone spiritual seeker and a gregarious socialite. One blew away how I thought about everything.

 1 The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho: Five Best Books


five best books


This is not exactly a great book, but it changed my life. The Five Best Books

Before I read this book I was a high school student on autopilot. Heading for college, not caring which one. Here’s a quote: five best books

“This is an important book, but it’s irritating.”

The five best books :

“It’s a book that says the same thing almost all the other books in the world say … it ends up saying that everyone believes in the world’s greatest lie.” “What’s the world’s greatest lie?” … “It’s this: at a certain point in our lives, we lose control of what’s happening to us, and our lives become controlled by fate.

The Five Best Books

After I read it I planned to someday move to Afghanistan to become a pastoral nomad shortly. (I don’t want to get into how I got to this conclusion, but yes Afghanistan does not make an appearance in this book. And yes, when I was planning this Afghanistan was not a safe place.)

I wanted to roam with a herd with a big book I use as a pillow. To live as an ascetic by Western standards, away from the evils and excesses of the West.

This commitment to move abroad was very half-assed, but without it, I probably never would have eventually decided to live as an expatriate. And now I couldn’t imagine my life without my expatriation.

And thus a few years later I left the country and started a new life.

2 Religion and the Natural Sciences: The Range of Engagement by James E. Hutchingson

five best books

I entered college with a lot of credits from AP classes and there were not many classes available to freshmen.

I agreed to attend an experimental First Year Seminar class on Science and Religion taught by a mathematics professor. He was definitely in over his head, and he insisted that we buy this out-of-print book. They are reasonably difficult to find, and the campus bookstore didn’t even have enough for the whole class!

And I am fairly positive that the other 29 students hated this book. But for me, there were a whole bunch of life-changing articles in here.

Richard Bube’s The Failure of the God-of-the-Gaps described one of the most beautiful critiques of anti-science Christianity that I have ever seen;

Duane Gish’s Evolution–A Philosophy, Not a Science and Isaac Asimov’s The “Threat” of Creationism have deeply, deeply affected my understanding of Creationism/Evolution;

And Karl Popper’s Falsification is the most important thing I have ever read, the most influential piece of writing in existence for me. It is the framework through which I see the world and have seen the world from that point forward. ​

3 “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee books

Harper Lee’s work of art, “To Kill a Mockingbird,” is an immortal show-stopper that handles issues of racial bad form and moral development. This original not only woke me up to the cruel real factors of the world but also imparted in me a profound feeling of compassion and the significance of supporting what is correct, even despite misfortune.

2. “Man’s Quest for Signifying” by Viktor E. Frankl

Viktor Frankl’s piercing record of his encounters in Nazi death camps, combined with his mental bits of knowledge, made “Man’s Quest for Signifying” a life-changing read.

3. “The Chemist” by Paulo Coelho

Paulo Coelho’s “The Chemist” is a profound excursion that reverberated profoundly with me.  It urged me to courageously seek after my interests.

4. “Sapiens: A Concise History of Mankind” by Yuval Noah Harari

Yuval Noah Harari’s “Sapiens” is an enrapturing investigation of mankind’s set of experiences, offering a naturally visible perspective on our development.

5. “The Force of Now” by Eckhart Tolle

Eckhart Tolle’s “The Force of Now” acquainted me with the groundbreaking idea of living right now. It filled in as an impetus for self-awareness, provoking me to see the value in the magnificence of every second.


In the domain of writing, certain books have the striking skill to leave a getting through engraved on our lives. “To Kill a Mockingbird,” “Man’s Quest for Signifying,” “The Chemist,” “Sapiens,” and “The Force of Now” have been instrumental in molding my qualities, points of view, and comprehension of the world.